Click here to turn off the password requirment when a DCC connection is opened.
Click here to require password entry when a DCC connection is opened.
This bot is currently connected to a botnet. Use the UNLINK command to disconnect it.
This bot is not currently connected to a botnet. Use the LINK command to connect it.
Click here to prevent users on remote bots from booting users on this bot.
Click here to allow masters on remote bots to boot non-owners on this bot.
Click here to disallow channel associaations sent by other bots. This also disables the "assoc" command.
Click here to accept channel associations sent by other bots.
Click here to disable connection to a remote bot.
Click here to automatically connect to the remote bot.
How often to attempt to retry a failed connection.
The access level at which one is considered an "owner."
The access level at which one is considered a "master."
How often to send a ping across the bot link.
The name this bot will identify itself with when it connects to another bot.
Select the bot to connect to from this list.
Click here to edit this bot's settings. Dimmed because no bot is selected.
Click here to edit this bot's settings.
Enter the number of days until this shitlist entry is marked as deleted here,
Click here to close this window and save changes.
The password to use.
The port to connect to.
The address to connect to.
The name of this bot.
Close this window without saving changes.
Edit usermasks here.
The list of additional usermasks for this user.
Deletes the selected usermask from the list.
Add a a new usermask to the list.
Close this window and cancel changes.
Close this window and save changes.
Click here to mark this shitlist record as not deleted.
Check thos box to mark this shitlist record as deleted. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to mark this shitlist record as deleted.
The date and time this shitlist entry will be marked as deleted.
The number of times this shitlist entry has been activated.
The last date and time this shitlist entry was used.
The date and time this shitlist entry was added.
The name of the person that added this shitlist entry.
This menu allows you to set the shitlevel of the current shitlist entry. Disabled because there is no entry selected.
menu allows you to set the shitlevel of the current shitlist entry.
The reason this shitlist entry was added. (Optional)
The hostmask for this shitlist entry.
The channel this shitlist entry is valid. Use * for all channels.
The nickname of the user for which this shitlist entry was created.
Click here to change the date this record is marked as deleted. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to change the date this record is marked as deleted.
Click here to create a new entry in the shitlist.
Click here to mark this user as not being a bot. This is used for the botnet. Unless this user really is a bot, make sure you uncheck this box.
Check this box to mark this user as a bot. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to mark this user as a bot. This is used for the botnet. Unless this user really is a bot, make sure you uncheck this box.
Click here to not give voice to this user when they join the channel.
Check this box to automatically give this user voice when they join the channel. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to automatically give this user voice when they join the channel.
Click here to not give ops to this user when they join the channel.
Check this box to automatically give this user ops when they join the channel. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to automatically give this user ops when they join the channel.
Click here to make password entry required only if the user doesn't match the hostmask.
Check this box to make password entry required for this user to gain access. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to make password entry required for this user to gain access.
This userlist entry is marked as deleted. Click here to mark it as not deleted.
Check this box to mark this entry as deleted. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to mark this userlist entry as deleted.
The last time the bot saw this user.
The date this user was added to the userlist.
The number of commands this user has executed.
This menu allows you to set a user's protection level. Disabled because there is no user selected or the current user is deleted.
This menu allows you to set a user's protection level.
This user's access level. Valid access levels are between 0 and 1000.
The name of the person that added this user to the userlist.
This user's infoline. (Optional. Displayed when a user joins a channel and in the WHOIS command.)
This user's password. (Optional)
This user's real name. (Optional. Displayed with the bot's WHOIS command.)
This user's email address. (Optional. Displayed with the bot's WHOIS command.)
This users's hostmask. You can use wildcharacters (* and ?).
The channel this userlist entry is valid for. Use * for all channels.
The usual nick for this entry.
The userlist. Deleted users are marked with a • to the left of the name.
Click here to modify bot's conection settings. Disabled because no user is selected or the current user is not a bot.
Click here to modify bot's conection settings.
Click here to add, modify, or delete additionnal hostmasks belonging to this user. Disabled because no user is selected.
Click here to add, modify, or delete additionnal hostmasks belonging to this user.
Click here to create a new entry in the userlist.
Click here to activate this automessage.
Click here to deactivate this automessage.
This automessage will be repeated this often.
Enter or change the automessage here.
This is the list of channels ShadowBot has autojoin capability on. Select a channel for this automessage to run on.
The Automessages list.
Click here to add a new entry to the list.
Click here to stop including seconds with timestamps
Check this box to include seconds with timestamps. Disabled because timestamps aren't being recorded.
Click here to include seconds with timestamps.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from putting a time stamp on all text written to logfiles.
Click here to have ShadowBot put a time stamp on all text written to log files.
Click here to close this window and forget any changes.
Click here to close this window and remember changes.
The strings list.
Edit the selected string here.
Click here to reset all strings to defaults.
The current path to the Logs folder.
The current path to the DCC folder.
The current path to the Plugins folder.
Click here to set the location of th Logs folder.
Click here to set the location of th DCC folder.
Click here to set the location of the Plugins folder.
Users who have ops are not required to ident for ShadowBot to recognize them. Click here to make ShadowBot require ops to ident.
Users who have ops must ident to ShadowBot before it recognizes them. Click here to turn this option off.
Global Stage servers have a code that allows you to join channels without appearing in the userlist. This option kicks people using this code. Click here turn this option on. If you are not running ShadowBot on a Global Stage server, turn this OFF.
Global Stage servers have a code that allows you to join channels without appearing in the userlist. This option kicks people using this code. If you are not running ShadowBot on a Global Stage server, turn this OFF.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from opening the console window on launch.
Click here to make ShadowBot open the console window on launch.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from hiding the inputwindow when you switch it to the background.
Click here to make ShadowBot hide the inputwindow when you switch it to the background.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from sending channel bot commands you type in the inputline.
Click here to make ShadowBot send channel bot commands you type in the inputline.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from ignoring all CTCP requests.
Click here to make ShadowBot ignore all CTCP requests.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from beeping on a TCP/IP error.
Click here to make ShadowBot beep on a TCP/IP error.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from putting up a dialog if you chose the Quit command from the file menu.
Click here to make ShadowBot put up a dialog of you choose the Quit command from the file menu.
Click here to disable the HELLO command. The HELLO command allows users to add themselves to the bot's userlist by sending the bot a message containing the word 'hello'.
Click here to enable the HELLO command. The HELLO command allows users to add themselves to the bot's userlist by sending the bot a message containing the word 'hello'.
Enter a valid range here, between the range listed above.
The valid range for this command.
The setting name.
The settings.
Enter a valid access level here, between the range listed above.
The valid access range for this command.
The command name/description.
The command list and access levels.
Click here to revert settings to defaults.
Click here to close this window.
ShadowBot will kick anyone who matches a just-placed ban. Click here to stop it from kicking.
ShadowBot will not kick when someone is Banned. Click here to make it kick anyone who matches a just-placed ban.
Click here to allow the use of the default command character, in addition to this channel's alternate command character.
Check this box to require the user of the alternate command character and disable the default command character for this channel. Disabled because the alternate command character for this channel has been disabled.
Click here to force the use of the alternate command character and disable the default command character for this channel.
Click here to disable the alternate command character for this channel.
Click here to enable the alternate command character for this channel.
Click here to cause ShadowBot to stop begging for ops.
Click here to cause ShadowBot to beg for ops if it doesn't have ops.
Click here to disable topic enforce.
Click here to enforce the topic set below.
Click here to disable automatic unbanning of bans.
Click here to automatically unban bans after a set period of time.
Click here to enable infolines for this channel.
Click here to disable infolines for this channel.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from giving voice to anyone joining the channel. Blame MetalHed for this option.
Click here to cause ShadowBot to automatically give people joining the channel voice. Blame MetalHed for this option.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from kicking idlers.
Click here to cause ShadowBot to kick people on the channel who have idled.
Click here to enable protection. ShadowBot will use protection levels in user records to determine how to deal with "bad" behavior.
Click here to disable protection. ShadowBot will pretend anyone on this channel has a protection level of 4 and will not retalliate on kicks, bans, etc.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from CTCP PINGing people when the join channels.
Click here to allow ShadowBot to automatically CTCP PING people when they join channels.
Click here to allow servers to op people in the channel.
Click here to force ShadowBot to deop anyone opped by a server. (People in the userlist with autoops are exempted.)
Click here to make ShadowBot stop autoopening the channel window on join.
Click here to make ShadowBot autoopen the window when the channel is joined.
Click here to turn off strict opping. Users in the channel may be freely opped by anyone.
Click here to make ShadowBot enforce ops. Only users in the userlist with autoops are permitted to be opped.
Currently, only people in the userlist may enter this channel. Click here to allow anyone into the channel.
Check this box to only permit users in the userlist to enter this channel. Disabled because you can't set this flag for the default channel.
Currently, anyone may join this channel. Click here to only permit users in the userlist to enter this channel.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from automatically joining this channel on connect.
Click here to have ShadowBot automatically join this channel on connect. Disabled because this setting cannot be set for the default channel.
Click here to have ShadowBot automatically join this channel on connect.
The alternate command character for this channel. Disabled because the alternate command character for this channel is disabled.
The alternate command character for this channel.
If Beg for Ops is set, ShadowBot will beg for ops after this many minutes.
If Auto-unban Bans is set, ShadowBot will unban bans after this many minutes.
The channel topic.
Password used for +k
Limit used for +l
The name of the channel.
ShadowBot will force this mode setting to on, unless overridden by a user with appropriate access.
ShadowBot will force this mode setting to off, unless overridden by a user with appropriate access.
ShadowBot will not protect this mode.
Channel has an entrance password.
Channel has a limited number of users.
Channel is secret. Not listed in channel lists. You cannot see occupants unless you are in the channel. +s and +p cannot both be set at the same time.
Channel is private. Although it is listed in channel lists, you cannot see occupants unless you are on the channel. +p and +s cannot both be set at the same time.
Channel is moderated. Users must have voice (+v) to speak.
Channel is invite only.
Messages to channel can only be sent by those on the channel.
Topic can only be changed by ops on the channel.
The channel list. Entries with a • to the left are automatically joined when ShadowBot connects to a server.
Click here to no longer require the owner to send ShadowBot an identification command to gain access.
Click here to require the owner to send ShadowBot an identification command with password before it will recognize them.
The owner's password. If the password is set, you can use the IDENT command to gain access if your aren't online with your set hostmask.
The owner's real name. (Optional information displayed by the bot's WHOIS command.)
The owner's infoline. (Optional. Infolines, if enabled, are displayed when a user joins a channel.)
The owner's email address. (Optional information displayed by the bot's WHOIS command.)
The owner's hostmask. Hostmasks are in the form nick!user@host, and may contain wildcharacters (* and ?).
The owner's usual nickname.
This is the list of servers.
The optional password used to connect to a server. Leave this empty unless the server you're connecting to requires a password.
The port number to connect to. 6667 is the default, although other ports are usually faster.
The server to connect to.
Click here to delete the currently selected server.
Click here to duplicate the currently selected server.
Click here to add a server to the list. If the server and port fields are entered, they are read in and added, otherwise '' is used.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from going invisible on connect. When ShadowBot is invisible, you cannot tell what channel(s) ShadowBot is on unless you are on the same channel(s).
Click here to have ShadowBot go invisible on connect. When ShadowBot is invisible, you cannot tell what channel(s) ShadowBot is on unless you are on the same channel(s).
Click here to stop ShadowBot from going deaf on connect. When ShadowBot is deaf, it doesn't recieve public messages in a channel.
Click here to have ShadowBot go deaf on connect. When ShadowBot is deaf, it doesn't recieve public messages in a channel.
Click here to disable Identd.
Click here to enable Identd.
Click here to disable the display og a server's MOTD on connect.
Click here to display a server's MOTD on connect.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from reconnecting to a server if disconnected.
Click here to have ShadowBot to reconnect to a server if it becomes disconnected for any reason.
Click here to stop ShadowBot from automatically connecting to the server on startup.
Click here to have ShadowBot automatically connect to a server on startup.
Click here to disable the connection script.
Click here to enable the connection script.
Click here to allow commands to be preceded without the command character.
Click here to require all commands to be preceded by the command character.
The bot's command character. All commands must be preceded with this character.
The connection script, sent before channels are joined. A semicolon separates commands. Use IRC client commands, not bot commands.
The bot's DCC command character. All commands in DCC MUST be preceded by this character to be accepted as commands, or they will be sent to the partyline.
The bot's real name as seen in a /WHOIS listing.
The username entered here is the username the bot tries to connect with.
The nickname entered here is the one the bot tries to connect with. Nicknames are limited to 9 characters on EfNet and the Undernet, 31 on DalNet.
Why are you pointing the mouse here?
Click here to close this window without saving changes.
Click here to save this window and close it.
Opens the Partyline console.
Opens the Console.
Windows Menu
Use this menu to open hidden windows.
Allows you to configure botnet and partyline settings.
Allows you to edit the shitlist.
Allows you to edit the userlist.
CTCP Manager. Not implimented.
Allows you to configure automatic time-dalayed messages.
Allows you to set up ShadowBot's logging feature.
Allows you to configure ShadowBot's flood protection.
This window allows you to modify the strings ShadowBot uses.
Use this window to tell ShadowBot where its Plugins, DCC, and Logs folders are located.
Allows you to enable/disable some options.
Allows you to change some miscelaneous numerial settings.
Allows you to change the access level requirments for commands.
Use this window to set up the channels ShadowBot maintains a presence on.
Use this window to tell ShadowBot who its owner is.
Allows you to configure ShadowBot's server list.
This command allows you to set up the the bot's login information.
Bot Menu
Allows you to configure the bot
Selects all text in the active window.
Deletes selected text.
Pastes text in clipboard at the insertion point.
Copies selected text and places it on the clipboard.
Deletes selected text and places it on the clipboard.
Undo. Disabled because this program doesn't support Undo.
Edit Menu
Use this menu to work with text.
Saves data files to disk, disconnects from the current server, and quits ShadowBot.
Disconnects from the current server.
Saves the data files to disk.
Closes the front window.
Opens a connection with an IRC server. Disabled because you're already connected or because TCP/IP could not be initialized.
Opens a connection with an IRC server.
File Menu
Use this menu to connct to the server, close windows, save bot data, or quit.
Displays a dialog with the current version of ShadowBot and a credits button.